Friday, December 13, 2013

My son's first short story in 5th grade

Here is Gavin's short story he wrote for the Creative Writing Contest.  It is all totally his thoughts and words.  The contest asked for a piece that is less than 800 words.  This one was just over a thousand words so we had to edit it.  Enjoy his unedited version.  He even put in one of our ancestors into his story.  It is his attempt at historical fiction.  I loved it.  I hope he keeps up his writing. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

iPad Cart Training 11-8-13

Problems with that pesky wireless signal.  Try Airdrop which uses bluetooth sharing between iPads. See the video below to watch it in action.

Explain Everything:  Recording voice and demonstrating work at the same time. See video below.

Some of the sites you can click from your iPad:


HistoryPin Tour

CCA Poll Everywhere


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

4th Grade Writing Prompt:

4th Grade Writing Prompt

If you were sent back in time to the colonial period what would 

you do or say? 

What kinds of places would you visit?


Who would  you want to talk to and what would you ask them?

Would you change anything about that time?

If you could bring one thing from our time back to the colonial period what would it be?

How would you get from place to place?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Extreme Makeover: Computer Lab Edition

Our new iMac lab went in this weekend!!!!



Hooray for the Information Systems Team of Jonathan, Kent, and Eddie!!!